BARC(baba atomic
research center) is a premier multi-disciplinary Nuclear Research Centre
of Indiaworks on atomic and nuclear field, this is the one of the challenging
work for an engineers who really interested to work in atomic field.
OCES/DGFS electronics written exam paper is totally technical questions and The
level of the question paper is similar to the GATE paper but not much tough as
GATE. Prepare a plan to study, don’t concentrate more on studying text books,
Do more work on Objective bits and concentrate more on previous papers of
GATE,IES,JTO,..etc whatever previous technical question paper you have do it
first, I will post more articles on how to prepare for competitive exam later
on. one who works on bits can easily qualify in written exam.
paper consists of both theoretical and problematic questions. There is no
specific syllabus given by BARC we are expecting more questions from the below
topics. The exam Paper may contains 100 question (2 hours duration) only
Technical questions there is no general questions.
most of the questions will come from Analog and digital electronics,
electromagnetic and microwave, Communication(analog & digital),control
systems, Signal and systems, Microprocessor, Computer organization,Network
In analog
electronics: Most of the questions will come from OP-AMP, feedback
amplifiers, oscillators, amplifiers, diode equation, zener diode, A-D
and D-A converters.
In digital
electronics: K-map, Combinational( Mutiplexer, encoder, decoder, basic
logic circuits) and sequential circuits(flip-flops, registers, counters).
In electromagnetic:
Maxwell’s equations, Electromagnetic wave propagations, transmission lines,
In communications: AM,
FM, PM, PCM, DM, FSK, QPSK, PAM, PPM, noise, ISI, probability of errors,
In control
systems: Stability, steady state response, transient response,
compensators, Root locus, bode plot.
In signal
and systems: signal basics, system basics, Fourier transform, laplace
transform, z-transform.
In microprocessor: mainly
they will ask 8085 basics and small programs.
In network
theory: nodal analysis , mesh analysis, theorems(thevinens, nortons,
max power theorem, superposition), two port networks.
Practice all
previous GATE questions,IES, JTO, etc... don't believe this is the exact BARC
syllabus fully some what we are expecting finally i suggest you to just
followthe total GATE syllabus.
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