Thursday 11 April 2013


SAIL Management trainee 2009 and 2010 previous papers/questions for electronics and communications Technical.We already posted the expected exam pattern and syllabus of the management trainee electronics

1. Two coils in differential connection have self-inductance of 2 mH and 4 mH and a mutual inductance of 0.15 mH. The equivalent inductance of the combination is
            A. 5.7 mH
            B. 5.85 mH
            C. 6 mH
            D. 6.15 mH.

2. In a 8085 microprocessor system with memory mapped I / 0,
            A. I / 0 devices have 8-bit addresses
            B. I / 0 devices are accessed using IN and OUT instructions
            C. there can be a maximum of 256 input devices and 256 output devices.
            D. arithmetic and logic operations can be directly performed with the I / 0 data.

3. When 2-port networks are connected in parallel, which parameters convenient to use

A. inverse hybrid
B. open circuit impedance
C. short circuit admittance
D. transmission

4. The number of comparators needed in a 4-bit flash type ADC is  

A.  32
B.  8
C. 14
D. 15

5. Line imperfection in a crystal is called
            A. Schottky defect
            B. Frenkel defect
            C. edge dislocation
            D. Miller defect.

6.   The frequency modulated (FM) radio frequency range is nearly
            A. 250 - 300 MHz
            B. 150 - 200 MHz
            C. 90 - 105 MHz
            D. 30 - 70 MHz

7. A 10 MHz square wave clocks a 5-bit ripple counter. The frequency of third flip-flop’s output would be

A. 2
B. 1
C. 2.5
D. 1.25

8.   Which of the following regulator provides output voltage polarity reversal without a transformer
            A. Buck regulator
            B. Boost regulator
            C. Buck-boost regulator
            D. Cuk regulator

9.  The polarization required in ground wave propagation is
            A. Horizontal (linear)
            B. vertical (linear)
            C. Circular
            D. Elliptical

10.  If the noise figure of a receiver is 1.6, its equivalent noise temperature is 

A. 464.00 K
B. 174.00 K
C. 108.75 K
D. 181.25 K 

11. The minimum value of the life of a transistor to be used in three section R-C phase shift oscillator is 

A. 54.4
B. 44
C. 29
D. 32 

12. Multicavity Klystron
            A. is not a microwave device
            B. is not a good low level amplifier because of noise
            C. is not suitable to pulse operation
            D. has a high repeller voltage to insure small transit time

13. The value of M in the end will be
                        Do   100   I = 1, 2
                        DO   200   J = 1, 2
                                        M = M + I + J
                        200   CONTINUE
                        100   CONTINUE

  1. 10
  2. 11
  3. 12
  4. 14
14.  In TV system, vertical pulses are separated out from horizontal pulses by the use of
            A. integrator
            B. differentiator
            C. sweep credit
            D. sync separator

15.  Fourier’s series expansion of an odd periodic function contains 

  1. sine terms only
  2. cosine terms only
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

   16.  The following programme is run on an 8085 microprocessor,
                        Memory address in Hex          Instruction
                                    2000                            LXI SP, 1000
                                    2003                            PUSH H
                                    2004                            PUSH D
                                    2005                            CALL 2050
                                    2008                            POP 2050
                                    2009                            HIT
As the completion of execution of the program, the program the program counter of the 8085 contains ………, and the stack pointer contains ……..

  1. 2050, OFFC
  2. 2251, OFFC
  3. 1025, OCCF
  4. 1025, OCCF
17. 200 MHz may be classified as
            A. VHF
            B. SHF
            C. UHF
            D. EHF

18.  The principles of homogeneity and super-position are applied to :
            A. linear time variant systems
            B. non-linear time variant systems
            C. linear time invariant systems
            D. non-linear time invariant systems.

19. Dislocations in materials are
            A. point defect
            B. line defect
            C. planer defect
            D. surface defects.

20.  The binary representation of 5.375 is
            A. 111.1011
            B. 101.1101
            C. 101.011
            D. 111.001

21. Which one out of the following instruments should be used to measure 600 kV a.c. voltages?      
            A. Hot wire instrument
            B. Electrostatic voltmeter
            C. Moving coil voltmeter
            D. Moving iron voltmeter.

22.  For a LC parallel circuit at resonance, all the statements given below are correct except 

  1. the line current is maximum at resonance
  2. the branch currents at resonance are equal
  3. the admittance is minimum at resonance
  4. the angle between the branch current is 180oC at resonance.
 23. The Taylor series expansion of the function F(x) = x/(1+x), around x=0 is 

  1. x+x2+x3+x4+…….
  2. x+x2+x3+x4+…….
  3. 2x+42+8x3+16x4+…….
  4. x-x2+x3-x4+…….
 24.The mobility of electron in copper is :Given atomic weight = 63.54, density = 8.96 gm/cc, resistivity = 1.7×10–6 W-cm, Avogadro’s number = 6.025 ×1023

A.30 cm2/V-5
B.43.28 cm2/V-5
C.50 cm2/V-5 not sufficient 

25.  If a square wave voltage having 5V average value is applied to a low pass filter, then average value of output is 

  1. 10 V
  2. 2.5 V
  3. 5 V
  4. 0 V
 26. Resistivity of electrical conductors is most affected by

            A. temperature
            B. pressure
            C. composition
            D. all of the above.

27. In CCIR B-system of TV, blanking pulse is placed during

            A. equalizing pulse
            B. retrace interval between each line
            C. retrace period of vertical line
            D. none of the above.

28.  The capacity of a channel is

            A. number of digits used in coding
            B. volume of information it can take
            C. maximum rate of information transmission
            D. bandwidth required for information 

29.    Sometimes microwave signals follow the earth’s curvature. This due to

            A. Ionospheric reflection
            B. Faraday rotation
            C. Ducting
            D. Ionospheric scatter.

30. The function of diplexer bridge in a TV transmitter is

            A. to prevent the loading of several transmitters by video transmitter
            B. to increase the bandwidth
            C. to increase the power output
            D. to increase the efficiency of transmission.

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